These days, white teeth and a bright smile are very important to success. A lot of people try different methods to make their teeth whiter. With dozens of whitening products available on the market, you need to carefully consider all your choices before d
If you are experiencing sensitivity from using 2 hour whitening strips, consider using the strips that are left on for 30 minutes. 香港植牙價格 might require you to use for a few additional weeks, but the health of your gums is more important.
You may wish to take a trip to the dentist to try laser whitening. It's possible that this is the quickest way to make your teeth sparkling white again. After a bleaching agent is applied to the teeth, a laser is used to activate the whitening properties. This treatment lightens teeth approximately six shades and very quickly at that.
A natural whitening method that many people stand by is to mix lemon juice and salt. Fresh squeezed lemon juice is best as the acid is at its peak. 香港牙醫推薦 from a lemon with a half teaspoon of salt and brush your teeth with the mixture. The acid will eat at the stains and the salt will add abrasion to scrub them away. Brush normally after this treatment to remove the citric acid.
Drinks such as tea and coffee are notorious in ruining and discoloring your teeth. Make sure to keep a bottle of water handy to rinse while you are drinking tea or coffee and afterwards. Drinks such as colas and wine can also stain your teeth. Avoiding or limiting 香港牙醫推薦 can improve the whiteness of your smile.
Do not start a home teeth whitening treatment without going to the dentist to have an exam done. You do not want to use any of these treatments if you have untreated cavities in your mouth. The same goes for gum disease. These things should be treated prior to any treatment.
To prevent teeth whiteners from bleaching your gums along with your teeth, rub a small bit of petroleum jelly on your gums before using whitening products. The petroleum jelly provides a protective coating that will help stop the active ingredients in topical whiteners from also bleaching your gums along with your teeth.
The chemicals that are used to help whiten your teeth can cause your gums and other soft tissues in your mouth to become irritated. These caustic chemicals can make your mouth feel like it is in a whole world of hurt. Make sure you talk to your doctor about any problems that you experience.
If you are using a peroxide treatment to keep up your beautiful smile, then you need to make sure that you do not over do it. These treatments should be applied once every 6 to 8 months. Any more than this can cause damage to your gums and your teeth.
It is very easy to become "addicted" to whitening your teeth. Overuse of whitening products, especially those with bleach, can have an adverse effect on your teeth and gums. Once you have reached your white level, continue with touch-ups once a month. Multiple bleaching treatments should only be done once or twice a year.
To help whiten your smile, try brushing your teeth after every meal. It sounds incredibly obvious, but many people do not and it can make a big difference in the color and luminosity of your smile. Trying carrying a mini disposable brush on your person when you go out.
Strawberry paste can help you whiten your teeth. Use fresh strawberries to form a paste, and apply directly on your teeth. Strawberries are an all-natural method for whitening teeth and getting stains off them. Using this method will not overdo the whitening of your teeth; instead, it will leave you with more of a naturally white smile.
Having white teeth improves most people's confidence level. People see your teeth each time you smile at them. If you want a great looking smile, it's essential that you properly care for your teeth. While whitening you teeth, it's a good idea to work with a method you believe works best for you; not what others tell you.